Hosting fundraising events or donation drives in your agencies bring life to the campaign. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to effectively host and report your events.
Plan your events in advance. Not sure where to start? We have a list of Fundraising Ideas to jog your thinking. Decide on the types of events you would like to host, charities or themes you would like to support, and the timeline.
Prepare to host your event. Ensure you are advertising in your agency. We recommend using impact statements from the charities you have chosen to support to make the message more significant. You can even have charities, or the CVC team come to your event. If you would like CVC Team presence, or to host a charity fair, please submit a request here
Collecting payments during the event. Employees can contribute to your fundraising through the four methods below. For donations made by cash or check/money order, please print and use the CVC Event Tracking Form to track these donations during the event.
Credit Card Donation – they can donate via credit card on the CVC website and provide you a receipt of their transaction.
Payroll Deduction Pledge – they can donate through payroll deduction pledge located on the CVC website and show you the confirmation of their pledge.
Payroll Deduction Paper Pledge – if employees are not able to access the electronic Payroll Deduction Pledge, they can complete a Payroll Deduction Paper Pledge form, which can be found here.
Check – they can write a check. Please make sure the check is made out to the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign and not to the charity. If they would like to, they can put the charity information in the memorandum line.
Cash – CVC Coordinators can collect cash from employees. Please ensure that the cash is kept in a secure lockbox. All cash must be converted to a check or money order made out to the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign. The CVC Deposit Box does not accept cash donations and we discourage mailing cash.
Host the event. Have fun! Make sure you track donations made by check, cash, or paper pledge and employee participation via the CVC Event Tracking Form.
Report the event. After you have completed your event, ensure all donations are accounted for and convert all cash to a check or money order. Complete the electronic reporting form to record your event. Print off a CVC Transmittal Report and fill out necessary information. Follow these instructions on how to submit your transmittal report, checks, and event tracking forms.