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Welcome to the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign

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Celebrating 27 Years of Giving and Volunteerism

We are incredibly grateful and honored for the 27 years of history, giving, and support of the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign. The 2024 Campaign officially launched on Wednesday, October 2nd, and ended on Tuesday, December 31. The 2025 Campaign will kick-off on Wednesday, October 1, and we are gearing up for another great campaign!

We sincerely appreciate all of our donors in helping to make the 2024 campaign a success! Your involvement and support helps us support the charitable community and citizens of our beautiful Commonwealth. You make a difference.

Thank you for your commitment and enthusiasm!

Join Our Community of Givers!

Since 1997, the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) has been the officially sanctioned, non-profit fundraising program for over 120,000 Commonwealth employees to safely and easily donate to their favorite causes throughout the year.

The Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign promotes diversity and inclusion by ensuring that charitable organizations that participate represent a diversity of missions that support all citizens and communities across the state (e.g. Youth, Faithbased, LGBTQ+, Veterans, Persons with disabilities, etc...). Additionally, CVC prides itself by its inclusive policy, ensuring that all charitable organizations regardless of size and operating budget are eligible to participate in the campaign and given equitable access to fundraising strategies, opportunities, activities, and/or events.

Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign Results