Welcome to the 2024 Campaign Season!

The CVC would like to welcome all new charities to the campaign and welcome back all returning charities! In 2023, CVC raised $1,186,711.31 in total giving with an increased 11.36% employee participation rate. The 2024 Charity Application is live on April 1, 2024. The 2024 statewide campaign will officially begin on Wednesday, October 2nd.

There are a few changes for the upcoming campaign. The CVC’s website and support mailbox are cvc.virginia.gov and cvcsupport@dhrm.virginia.gov. All assistance will be supplied by the DHRM CVC Staff so for any questions, please contact CVC Support Staff.

To Apply

Every year, new and returning charities must apply and be approved to participate in the statewide campaign. For the 2024 Campaign, all charities can apply starting on April 1, 2024.

Please read the application criteria closely as some items have changed.

CVC Charity Application Criteria

Charity Fairs

The CVC Team will be informing charities of approval status in July. Regarding upcoming charity fairs, the CVC will send out an email to all charities regarding the state agency’s interest. If your organization can make an event, please do so, as it is a great time to showcase your organization’s services. Please refer to the Charity Fair FAQ document for any questions or answers you may have.